Topic 1 : Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region

Context: Union Minister of Earth Sciences informed the Lok Sabha about the assessment that was published in 2020.

Key details:

India’s efforts towards mitigating climate change:

Topic 2 : Safe City Project

Context: Minister of State for Home Affairs informed the Rajya Sabha about implementation of the Safe City Project.

Key details:

Topic 3 : Iberian wolf

Context: The Iberian wolf is extinct in Spain’s Andalusia since 2020.

Key details:

Topic 4 : Jeddah Peace Talks

Context: Saudi Arabia is set to host Ukraine, U.S., some European countries and major developing countries including India and Brazil for peace talks on the Russia-Ukraine war in Jeddah.

Key details:

Recent negotiations:

Peace plan proposed by China

Peace initiatives proposed by Africa

Peace talks by Brazil:

The upcoming talks in Jeddah

Context: The Rajya Sabha has passed the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2023 for making amendments to the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.

Key details:

The recent amendments:


Context: India’s Prime Minister’s address at the World Economic Forum indicated India’s ambition to become and promote itself as a global manufacturing and export hub.

Key details:

What does manufacturing in India offer to the world?

Challenges of manufacturing in India  

Way forward:

Context: The Jan Vishwas Bill passed in the Rajya Sabha recently will amend two provisions of the law governing manufacture, storage, and sale of medicines in India.

Key amendments:

Why it is being opposed?

What has it got to do with good manufacturing practices?


Context: PEHCHAN scheme to provide new identity to handicraft artisans and help them avail benefits of various schemes

About the scheme:

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