Topic 1 : UNESCO names Kozhikode ‘city of literature’

Why in news: The city of Kozhikode in Kerala was added in UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network (UCCN).

Key details:

About the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN)

Indian cities in the network

About Kozhikode’s literary tradition

Why in news: The research wing of the Uttarakhand Forest Department has successfully saved the critically endangered plant Gentiana Kurroo from extinction.

Key details:

How is it being conserved:

Why in news: Infosys founder sparked a debate by saying that India’s worker productivity is one of the lowest in the world.

Key details:

Difference between worker productivity and labour productivity:

Deeper understanding of productivity:

Link between worker productivity and economic growth:

Does India have one of the ‘lowest worker productivity’ in the world?

Does having a high informal labour pool complicate the calculation of worker productivity and its correlation to GDP?


Why in news: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)tightens rules for appointment of State police chiefs

Key details:

Why in news: Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire near London was chosen to host the world’s first ever Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety Summit.

Key details:

The Bletchley Park Declaration

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