Topic 1 : Hypertension prevalence in India

Why in news: A recently released WHO report on hypertension said nearly 4.6 million deaths can be averted in India by 2040, if just half of the hypertensives were able to control their blood pressure.

Key details:

What does the study show about hypertension care in India?

At state level:

At district level:

How do age, gender, and education come into play?

Why is it necessary to look at the inter-state and inter-district variability?

What needs to be done to control hypertension in India?

Why in news: On brink of extinction, wonder root ‘makali beru’ set to come out of woods.

Key details:

Why in news: The deadly collision between two passenger trains in southern India’s Vizianagaram district in Andhra Pradesh could have been averted if Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) – Kavach were in place.

What is TCAS – Kavach?

How is the Kavach system deployed?

How does Kavach infrastructure work?

Cost of Kavach system:

Why in news: The Supreme Court agreed to examine the question of whether a trans gender woman who underwent a sex-reassignment surgery may be called an “aggrieved person” within the meaning of Section 2(a) of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005.

Key details:

The current case:

Process for a transgender person to change their gender:

The Bombay HC ruling:

What is Domestic violence?


Coverage under the Act

Criticisms of the Act

Way Forward

Why in news: A Reality television show winner and YouTuber was booked by the G police in a case pertaining to the sale of snake venom at rave parties in the National Capital Region.

Key details:

How is snake venom consumed?

How does snake venom affect the human body?

Why does snake venom give a high?

Why is using snake venom as a recreational drug dangerous?

Why in news: After years of deliberations in the military and strategic community, India has kickstarted the process of bringing in a National Security Strategy.

Key details:

What is a National Security Strategy?

Which countries have a National Security Strategy?

India’s need for a National Security Strategy

Why in news: The king of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, arrived in New Delhi to a red carpet welcome.

Key details:

Significance for Bhutan:

India’s concerns

India-Bhutan ties:

Why in news: The restoration work of Butler Palace in Lucknow is under way which will turn it into a tourist haven.

About the palace:

Status of the palace after independence:

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