Topic 1: Will platforms have to take down ‘fake news’?

Context: The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology amended the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.

Key details:

Topic 2: Goa Bill restricting sale of agricultural land

Context: The Goa Legislative Assembly passed the Goa Restriction on Transfer of Agricultural Land Bill 2023.

Key details:

Topic 3: Quote: ‘Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves’

Context: This quote is taken from a letter Abraham Lincoln, wrote in 1859, when tensions between Northern and Southern states were on the rise, two years before the American Civil War started.

Key details:

Topic 4: Bharat Gaurav scheme

Context: The Indian Railways, in association with the South Star Rail, a Coimbatore-based company, will operate a tourist train to Kashmir Valley under the Bharat Gaurav scheme.

About the scheme:

Topic 5: Street Child Cricket World Cup

Context: Chennai will host the Street Child Cricket World Cup 2023.

Key details:

Topic 6: Spot billed Pelican

Context: The Pulicat lake is teeming with 76 species of water birds including the spot billed pelican.

Key details:

About Pulicat LakePulicat Lake is the second largest brackish water lagoon in India, (after Chilika Lake).Major part of the lagoon comes under Tirupati district of Andhra Pradesh.The lagoon is one of the three important wetlands to attract northeast monsoon rain clouds during the October to December season.Two rivers which feed the lagoon are the Arani River at the southern tip and the Kalangi River.Ramsar sitesWetlands of global importance are called Ramsar sites, after the city in Iran where the Treaty on Wetlands was signed.India has 75 Ramsar sites, of which 14 are in Tamil Nadu, including three added last year:the Karikili bird sanctuary,the Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest andthe Pichavaram mangrove.The spot-billed pelican is seen in all these places.

Topic 7: The Himachal Pradesh Sukhashraya Act, 2023

Context: Himachal Pradesh passed the Himachal Pradesh Sukhashraya (Care, Protection, and Self-Reliance of Children of the State) Act, 2023.

What is the Sukh Ashray Act?

Topic 8: Earth4All initiative report

Context: Predictions about the world’s human population were published recently in the form of a report by the Earth4All Initiative.

Key Findings:

About Earth4All InitiativeEarth4All is an international initiative to accelerate the systems-change we need for an equitable future on a finite planet. It is a new international collaboration that will bring together leading researchers and policymakers, led by teams of:the Club of Rome,the Norwegian Business School andthe Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).Together, they will explore transformational political and economic solutions for the 21st century to catalyze transformation along five pathways:energy,food,inequality,poverty andpopulation (including health and education).The initiative builds the Limits to Growth report commissioned by the Club of Rome and published in 1972.

Topic 9: Language Friendship Bridge

Context: India is planning to create a pool of experts in languages spoken in countries such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Indonesia to facilitate better people-to-people exchanges.

Key details:

Topic 10: Cyber insurance

Context: Businesses steadily rely on digital technology to operate, store data, and communicate with a more extensive customer base, propelling their growth which makes them vulnerable and calls for a need of cyber insurance.

What is cyber insurance?

Human composting

Context: Recently, New York became the sixth state in the US to legalise human composting as a burial option.

Need for human composting:

What is human composting?

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