Topic 1: Ker Puja

Context: The Prime Minister of India has greeted the citizens of Tripura on occasion of Ker Puja.  

About Ker Puja:

About the Halam Tribe:

Topic 2: SAMARTH scheme

Context: An empowered meeting of the Empowered Committee for Scheme for Capacity Building in Textiles Sector (SAMARTH) was held recently.

Key details:

Topic 3: Palliative care

Context: The revised operational guidelines of the National Programme for Prevention & Control of Non-Communicable Diseases limit palliative care to only cancer patients, leaving out those with any other chronic and debilitating ailments

Key details:

About palliative care

Status of Palliative care in India:



Topic 4: Majorana

Context: Recently, researchers at Microsoft created a strange kind of particle called Majorana zero modes that could potentially revolutionise quantum computing.

About Majorana

About Majorana zero mode

Benefit to quantum-computing

Topological Degeneracy:

Topic 5: Telangana Eunuchs Act

Context: Recently, the Telangana High Court struck down the Telangana Eunuchs Act of 1919, terming it unconstitutional and an intrusion into the private sphere of transgender people, as well as an assault on their dignity.

About the Telangana Eunuchs Act

Topic 6: Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights

Context: Recently, the Delhi High Court held that the appeal filed by PepsiCo over the patent rights for its ‘unique potato’ variety was against an order passed by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights’ Authority (PPVFRA), revoking PepsiCo’s registration vis-a-vis the unique potato variety developed by it.

About the case:

About PPV&FR Act


Topic 7: Need for Governors in India

Context: The recent action taken by Tamil Nadu Governor to terminate the appointment of a state minister, who was arrested, has once again brought attention to the tussle between state governments and the Governor’s office.

Evolution of Governor’s post:


Powers of Governor

Discretionary Powers:

Controversies Related to Governor’s post:

The Supreme Court’s stand on office of Governor

Recommendations of various commissions, committees


Topic 8: Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Context: A surge in cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) in Peru has brought forward concerns over the links between the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the rare neurological disorder.

About GBS:

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