2024 Global Hepatitis Report

Syllabus :GS 2/Health 

In News

Recently , the 2024 Global Hepatitis Report was released by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Do you know ?

– Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is caused by a variety of infectious viruses  and noninfectious agents leading to a range of health problems, some of which can be fatal. 
– There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. 
– While they all cause liver disease, they differ in important ways including modes of transmission, severity of the illness, geographical distribution and prevention methods. 
– In particular, types B and C lead to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people and together are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and viral hepatitis-related deaths.

About the report 

Key Findings 


Recommendations for accelerating hepatitis elimination


Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2024: United Nations

Syllabus: GS2/International Institutions; GS3/Inclusive Growth;


About Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

The Journey of SDGs:

The 17 Goals:

Key Issues Highlighted in Report:

Suggestions Made in Report:


Source: DTE

Catastrophic Soil Erosion

Syllabus: GS1/Geography; GS3/Conservation


About Soil Erosion:

The Extent of the Problem:

The Worst-Affected Region:

The Impact of Soil Erosion:

The Need for Action:


Source: DTE

India and Mauritius Relations

Syllabus: GS2/International Relations



Overview of India and Mauritius Relations

Areas of Concern

Way Ahead

Source: TH

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005

Syllabus: GS1/Indian Society


Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005

Salient features of the Act:

Protection Officers

Arguments Against the Act

Arguments in Favour of the Act


Source: IE

Asian Development Outlook (ADO), 2024

Syllabus: GS3/Economy


Key Findings

Issues and Concerns 

Indian Scenario

Suggestions for Boosting Trade

Asian Development Bank

– ADB is a regional development bank established in 1966 for Social and Economic Development. It has 68 members.
– It is a multilateral development bank, which seeks to help its developing member countries to reduce poverty and improve their people’s quality of life through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth and regional integration.
– Headquarters: Manila, Philippines.

Source: TH

Switzerland to Host Ukraine Peace Summit

Syllabus: GS2/International Relations


Background and Purpose  of conference

Swiss history of mediation

– Neutrality is a foundational principle of Switzerland’s foreign policy. It looked after the interests of both the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Grand Duchy of Baden during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.
– It acted as the protecting power during the two World Wars.
– Switzerland represented India’s interests in Pakistan and Pakistan’s in India between 1971 and 1976. 
– It hosted talks between the government in Colombo and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in 2006.
– Over the last two decades, Switzerland has been the protecting power between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the US and Iran, Russia and Georgia.

Russia’s stand

India’s role in peace process

Way Ahead

Source: IE

ISRO’s ‘Zero Orbital Debris’ Milestone

Syllabus :GS 3/Space  


What is Space debris?

International agreements on space debris

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