Topic 1: Punjab’s area under cotton cultivation is decreasing

Context: Despite the state government releasing water in the canals on time since the beginning of April this year and providing subsidised seeds, Punjab has recorded its lowest-ever area under cotton cultivation in over six decades.

Key details:

Reasons behind the decreasing area under cotton

Way Forward

Topic 2: Anjadip and Sanshodhak

Context: Anjadip and Sanshodak were launched recently.

Key details:

Topic 3: SANKALP scheme

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship certifies 98 Trainers trained in the cluster-based Training of Trainers project under the SANKALP programme

About the scheme:

Topic 4: What is El Nino and how it impacts the monsoon

Context: This year’s monsoon is progressing under the cloud of an El Nino in the Pacific Ocean.

The three phases of ENSO:

Ocean-Atmosphere system

ENSO Neutral condition

The Abnormal behaviour

ENSO and Climate Change

Topic 5: Hiroshima AI Process

Context: The annual Group of Seven (G-7) Summit, hosted by Japan, took place in Hiroshima and the G-7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué initiated the Hiroshima AI Process (HAP).

What is the Hiroshima AI process?


Way forward:

Topic 6: Gender Social Norms Index

Context: Gender Social Norms Index released recently.

Key findings of the report:

Way forward:

Topic 7: Himsagar and Langra mangoes

Context: The Himsagar and Langra mangoes were sent to former Congress president Sonia Gandhi by Ms Hasina of Bangladesh.

Himsagar mangoes:

Langra mango:

Topic 8: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

Context: Stating that the per drop more crop – micro irrigation is a “priority scheme” of the Agriculture Department, the Union government has sought a report from the Jharkhand government for implementation of the scheme.

Key details about the scheme:

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