Manual Scavenging


Recently, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJ&E) told Lok Sabha that no person had died from Manual Scavenging in the last three years (2019 to 2022).


GS-II: Social Justice and Governance (Issues related to Poverty, Minorities, Welfare Schemes, Government Policies and Interventions)

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Manual Scavenging in India
  2. Prevalence of Manual Scavenging in India
  3. Existing provisions regarding Manual Labour
  4. National Action Plan for elimination of Manual Scavenging

Manual Scavenging in India

Prevalence of Manual Scavenging in India

Why is manual scavenging still a concern after so many years?

Existing provisions regarding Manual Labour

National Action Plan for elimination of Manual Scavenging

The Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry’s National Action Plan aims to modernise existing sewage system and coverage of non-sewered areas; setting up of faecal sludge and septage management system for mechanised cleaning of septic tanks, transportation and treatment of faecal sludge; equipping the municipalities, and setting up of Sanitation Response Units with help lines.

The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation (Amendment) Bill, 2020
Safaimitra Suraksha Challenge

-Source: The Hindu

Uniform Civil Code


Recently Law Minister informed the Rajya Sabha that the States are empowered to enact personal laws that decide issues such as succession, marriage and divorce, in their endeavour to secure a uniform civil code (UCC).


GS II- Polity

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. What is Uniform Civil Code (UCC)?
  2. Positive aspects of Uniform Civil Code include
  3. Challenges in Implementing Uniform Civil Code Include
  4. Does India not already have a UCC for civil matters?
  5. How does the idea of UCC relate to the Fundamental Right to religion?

What is Uniform Civil Code (UCC)?

Article 44 is one of the Directive Principles of State Policy. These, as defined in Article 37, are not justiciable (not enforceable by any court) but the principles laid down therein are fundamental in governance.

Fundamental Rights are enforceable in a court of law. While Article 44 uses the words “state shall endeavour”, other Articles in the ‘Directive Principles’ chapter use words such as “in particular strive”; “shall in particular direct its policy”; “shall be obligation of the state” etc.

Article 43 mentions “state shall endeavour by suitable legislation”, while the phrase “by suitable legislation” is absent in Article 44. All this implies that the duty of the state is greater in other directive principles than in Article 44.

Positive aspects of Uniform Civil Code include

Challenges in Implementing Uniform Civil Code Include

Does India not already have a uniform code in civil matters?

How does the idea of a Uniform Civil Code relate to the fundamental right to religion?

-Source: The Hindu

Agni-V Missile


Recently, India successfully test-fired nuclear-capable ballistic missile Agni-V that can strike targets at ranges up to 5,000 km, marking a significant boost to the country’s strategic deterrence. 


GS-III: Science and Technology (Achievements of Indians in Science & Technology, Defence Technology, Indigenization of Technology)

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About Agni Missiles
  2. Agni-V missile

About Agni Missiles

There are 5 Agni series of missiles:

  1. Agni I: Range of 700-800 km.
  2. Agni II: Range more than 2000 km.
  3. Agni III: Range of more than 2,500 Km
  4. Agni IV: Range is more than 3,500 km and can fire from a road mobile launcher.
  5. Agni-V: The longest of the Agni series, an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a range of over 5,000 km.

Agni-V missile

-Source: The Hindu

Kerala’s University Laws (Amendment) Bills


The Kerala government has passed the two University Laws (amendment) Bills in the State Assembly to amend laws relating to the governance of State universities and to remove Governor as the Chancellor of said universities.


GS II: Polity and Governance

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. What do the Bills say?
  2. Why is the State government amending University laws?
  3. Arguments against the Bill

What do the Bills say?

Why is the State government amending University laws?

Arguments against the Bill

-Source: The Hindu

US Govt’s EAGLE Act


Recently, the White House supported the US Congress pass a legislation whose aim is to eliminate the per-country quota on issuing green cards. The House of Representatives will soon vote on the (Equal Access to Green Card for Legal Employment) EAGLE Act of 2022.


GS II: International Relations

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About Green card
  2. What is H.R. 3648, or the EAGLE Act of 2022?
  3. How will the legislation benefit Indian-Americans?

About Green card


What is H.R. 3648, or the EAGLE Act of 2022?

How will the legislation benefit Indian-Americans?

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