National Organ Transplantation Guidelines


Recently, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has modified National Organ Transplantation Guidelines, allowing those above 65 years of age to receive an organ for transplantation from deceased donors.


GS II: Polity and Governance

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994
  2. Current situation of organ transplantation in India
  3. Highlights of the New Guidelines
  4. What is the Purpose of New Guidelines?

Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994

Current situation of organ transplantation in India:

Highlights of the New Guidelines

What is the Purpose of New Guidelines?

-Source: Hindustan Times

Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)


Union Cabinet recently approved the establishment of new Primary Agricultural Credit Society in 2 lakh panchayats in the next five years.


GS III- Indian Economy

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About primary agricultural credit societies
  2. Objectives of PACS
  3. Functions of PACS

About primary agricultural credit societies:

Objectives of PACS

Functions of PACS

-Source: Indian Express

Current Account Deficit


Recently, the government released data showing that India’s exports and imports decreased by 6.59% and 3.63%, respectively, in January 2023, there are indications that the country’s current account deficit (CAD) will moderate despite the global slowdown triggered by the rising inflation and interest rates.


GS III- Indian Economy (Growth and Development)

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. What is the Current Account Deficit?
  2. What is Balance of Payments?
  3. What are the reasons for the current account deficit?

What is the Current Account Deficit?

What is Balance of Payments?

Components of the Balance of payments (BOP)

What are the reasons for the current account deficit?

-Source: The Hindu

Snow Leopard


A snow leopard has been sighted for the first time at a height of about 11,120 feet in the Darma valley in Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh district.


GS III- Environment and Ecology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About the Snow leopard
  2. Snow Leopards in India and their conservation

About the Snow leopard

Snow Leopards in India and their conservation

-Source: The Hindu

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