Topic 1: Ragging regulations in India

Context: An 18-year-old undergraduate student died after falling from the second floor of his hostel in Kolkata allegedly due to ragging.

Supreme Court on ragging

UGC guidelines

Under IPC:

State laws:

Topic 2: Turmeric supplements

Context: Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) issued a medical advisory warning Australians of the risk of liver injury from using medicines and herbal supplements containing turmeric or its active ingredient, curcumin.

Health benefits of turmeric:

Adverse effects of turmeric:

Why is curcumin being used in supplements?

Safe limit on consumption of turmeric:

Topic 3: RBI’s new pilot for frictionless credit

Context: The RBI commenced a pilot programme endeavouring to evaluate the feasibility and functionality of the ‘Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit’.

Need for the platform:

More about the platform:

Significance of the project:

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