Topic 1: Rafflesia

Why in news: The world’s largest and stinkiest flower Rafflesia in danger of extinction.

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Topic 2: Wollemi pine

Why in news: The Wollemi pine was thought to have gone extinct 2 million years ago until it was rediscovered by a group of hikers in 1994.

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Topic 3: Mohalla Clinic

Why in news: Seven doctors and 19 staff members posted at seven Mohalla Clinics have been de-empanelled and removed from duty for manipulating the digital attendance system.

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Topic 4: Samvatsari

Why in news: The Prime Minister of India has greeted the people on the occasion of Samvatsari.

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Topic 5: Asia Pacific Forum on Human Rights

Why in news: President Of India Inaugurates Annual General Meeting And Biennial Conference Of The Asia Pacific Forum On Human Rights

About the Forum:

The Paris principlesThe Paris Principles were defined at the first International Workshop on National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights held in Paris in 1991.They were adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Commission by Resolution and by the UN General Assembly.The 1993 Paris Principles regulate to the status and functioning of national institutions for the protection and promotion of human rights known as National Human Rights Institutions.The Paris Principles list a number of roles and responsibilities for national human rights institutions:The institution shall monitor any situation of violation of human rights which it decides to take up.The institution shall be able to advise the government, the parliament and any other competent body on specific violations, on issues related to legislation and general compliance and implementation with international human rights instruments.The institution shall independently engage with regional and international organizations.The institution shall have a mandate to educate and inform in the field of human rights.Some institutions are given a quasi-judicial competence.Compliance with the Paris Principles is the central requirement of the accreditation process that regulates NHRI access to the United Nations Human Rights Council and other bodies.

Topic 6: Nuakhai

Why in news: Prime Minister of India greets people on Nuakhai.

About Nuakhai:

Topic 7: Exercise SIMBEX 23

Why in news: Indian Naval Ships Ranvijay and Kavaratti and submarine INS Sindhukesari arrived in Singapore to participate in the 30th edition of the Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX).

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Topic 8: State of Working India

Why in news: The ‘State of Working India 2023’ report was released by Azim Premji University’s Centre for Sustainable Employment recently.

Key details:

Changing composition of employment type, based on caste 

Intergenerational mobility matrices over time disaggregated by caste, for SC/ST groups

Industries showing an overrepresentation of Women, SCs

Relationship between husband’s earnings and probability of women’s employment 

Female workforce participation rates by education for 2021-22

Rising share of workers in the non-agricultural sector, compared to organised/regular wage employment sectors 

Unemployment in India is concentrated among its educated youth 

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